Friday, August 24, 2012

Bill's Surgery.....

I've not even posted since my husband's sickness, so I apologize.  Bill had a heart attack in July and open heart surgery in December.  It's been a long process as he recuperates.  But, he is getting stronger each day and making great strides.  At least he's back at work part-time and feels more like himself than he's felt in a long time.  I am so thankful for God's hand of protection over both of us.  We have both been humbled by this experience.

I've learned a lot about myself during this process.  I've found that I'm not nearly as patient as I thought I was.  As God began to mold and stretch me, it seems that things came out that I really would rather not admit.  I remember thinking one night, "If he calls my name one more time I am going to cry!"  He was so uncomfortable that he needed help throughout the night.  Sometimes I was needed to readjust a pillow or put a pillow under his feet.  Other times he needed help getting up or going to the bathroom.  The first week was tough!  I learned that I get very irritable without sleep.  But, God was gracious and helped me hold my tongue and keep from snapping, "I need my sleep!"  Bill certainly didn't ask for all of this to happen and he was in much more pain than I could ever imagine.  Me being sleep deprived was nothing compared to having a sternum cut in two and then sewn back up again.  So I would pray, "Father, give me patience.  Help me be nice!"  God answered my prayer.  "Thank you, Father!"

It would be nice to say that I was the perfect wife through this whole process.  I know that Bill sensed my exasperation and weariness at times.  But, he understood and was very appreciative of my support.  He would say such sweet things like, "What would I do without a Judy?"  

Show Me Your Face, Lord

I absolutely love this song!  

Saturday, March 24, 2012

What God Does in the Natural........

Bill and I went to eat at Henry Horton State Park last night.  They had seafood night which was very good.  We will definitely go back.  We've gotten to the point that both of us can hardly stand to be in this house night after night.  God is transitioning us into something. He is saying, "Hey, I have something new for you (doesn't necessarily mean a new home), something more exciting, something different, not the same-o same-o.  This is the first time that we have both wanted to get out of the house so much, just go, go for a drive, wherever it takes us.  Maybe this is the venturesome side of us coming out that God is bringing forth.  What God is showing me is the things he's doing in the natural, he  is also doing in the spirit realm.  So, look at how you are feeling, the things you are going through and see what God will show you. It's pretty neat!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Transition Is Good

God is transitioning us and preparing us for our next assignment!  I am exceedingly happy because I have felt a shift in the spirit for quite sometime and have known that the day was approaching.  I've no idea what or where our next assignment will be.  It could be as simple as sending us to a different church within our own little town or it could be something that is mind boggling.  My husband and I are open to God's plans, and that's what matters.  We have said yes to whatever he asks of us whether it is to stay where we are and do God's work here or whether it is to move elsewhere.  God's ways are so much higher than ours.  He knows the plans he has for us.  He knows what is best!

My prayer is simple: God, prepare us to accept whatever you give us to do with a smiling face and a good attitude.  Help us touch the lives of others.  

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Touring D.C.

Just got back from D.C.  My sister and I had a wonderful time, spent a lot of time walking and seeing the sites.  So many big buildings, museums, monuments, and other attractions that there was no way we could see it all.  I'm sure we missed a lot, but we also saw a lot!  We were blessed the whole time we were there.  God seemed to put people in our paths to answer our questions and give us directions.  Not one time did we get on the wrong subway line or get lost.  Praise God!  With my sense of direction, that is a miracle.  

Monday, March 21, 2011


As I was laying in bed, I heard God say, "cacophony".  Immediately, I turned over and got my pen and paper out of my bedside table drawer and jotted it down.  I wasn't sure of the spelling, but did the best I could.  I wish I had asked God, "What do you mean?  What else do I need to know?"  But, I didn't think to do that.  Later, I looked up the meaning.  

cacophony (n) : harsh or discordant sound : dissonance 2; specifically :harshness in the sound of words or phrases

cacophony synonyms:   discord, discordance, dissonance, disharmony, unmusicality, harshness, unmelodiousness, stridency, loudness, noise

Is God warning of something?  I believe He is. 

In His Steps, 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Submit Each Day to God

I have begun to submit each day to God and allow Him to plan my activities.  This morning one of our employees called in sick, so I will go to work, rather than having a day off as planned.  In the past, I would have become upset because my "little plans" had been messed up.  But, by submitting my day to God, I know this is what he would have me do today.  

God reminded me that no matter where I am or what I am doing, I should yield my heart to him.  It isn't always easy to submit, but I am learning to become obedient.  Obedience is greater than sacrifice.  

I hope you have a blessed day as you enjoy God's beauty.

In HIS Steps Always, 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Home Church

We had a wonderful service this morning at "Home Church".  We don't have an official name because we've never felt led to call it by anything other than "Home Church."  God showed out this morning blessing us with healings and deliverance.  We praise His name for all that he does!

I am happy to have this group of people in my life who are willing to speak truths and offer their prayers.  When I retired from teaching, I asked God to put Godly people in my life.  I'm now surrounded by beautiful people who have beautiful hearts and are on fire for God.

In HIS Steps Praising HIS Name,

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Preparation is the Key

God shares with me the importance of preparation.  He says:

Continue seeking me and never lose hope.  I am your strength and your Rock.  I am He who comes to bless you.  Know this!  Know I am He who has come to set the captives free.  Never underestimate my ways, nor my timing.

Be of good cheer, Dear child.  Much comes.  Much comes to those who wait.  Be blessed during the "waiting times" knowing that preparation comes during the waiting.  I know it seems unfair at times, but it is my gift to you--preparation.  I do not send my children out unprepared.  Many are struggling in the fields because they "jumped out" too soon!  The preparation is the most important part of the journey and sometimes the hardest part.

Know my love would never allow you to be thrust into the midst of something you didn't know how to handle.  So, waiting upon me is my precious gift and my time to work within you to prepare you, for the snares of the devil will try to entangle you.  But, with my hand upon you and my preparation "under your belt" his attacks are thrawted.  Know he may try and yes you will have battles, but you will have the tools to use when the attacks come.

In His Steps During Preparation,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Needy People

The article below was written by Collette Toach.   You may go to her page if you want to find more good articles for women.

When you hear the word "Apostle" or "Minister of God" you imagine someone in front of the pulpit taking in all the glory. Trust me when I say, that the real work of ministry is not done up front, wearing your favorite suit, looking good. The real ministry is done in the trenches. One on one counsel, prayer and laboring with people. I enjoy this aspect of ministry a lot, but there is one time when I want to run a mile from it. It took just one person to create this pretty bad impression in me. We had started ministering to a group of folks that were hungry for the truth. In this group though was an individual that just would not leave us alone. They came up to us after each meeting, asking questions. They would grab any moment they could to receive ministry, going so far as to knock on our door early one morning 'just to chat.' Now I just LOVE folks who are hungry to learn, but this was not such a person.

This person was needy. They did not really take and apply what we taught them. They simply wanted to come to us, because they felt good around us. They wanted us to be there to keep making them feel good, instead of going to the Lord. Unfortunately that is just one of the realities of ministry and as a leader you learn to keep pouring out and praying that eventually they will 'get it.'

Let's be honest though. No one likes to be around needy people! You know the type. They are the ones at church that go around just wanting everyone to say nice things to them. They are the ones, that if you show interest, start to follow you around. You see them coming one way and you want to run in the other. Now I do not blame you for it, but let us drive this point home.

What if ...YOU were such a person? Could you imagine it? You see, when it comes to both marriage and ministry, there is no room for this kind of neediness. In fact it is the number one cause of rejection. Now I know, we all have needs. Especially as a woman. You have a need to feel loved and appreciated. When you make an effort to look good, you need your husband to notice! More than anything, we need to feel adored and that we hold a special place in the hearts of our men.
BUT ...
What if no one is meeting this need? You see, that is the problem when you keep looking to others to meet that need. You become like a ravenous wolf that just wants to take all of the time. You are so consumed with how you feel, that you no longer see what others are going through.
The Result ...
The result is not pretty at all. Instead of getting the love you need, you get rejected. Instead of being appreciated, no one notices. You feel more and more depressed. So let me challenge you today. Instead of sitting in a little hole and having a pity party, ask yourself this question:
Your first course of action is to run to the Lord. You know He is tender and He appreciates you. He is also a very patient listener. Go and pour out all your complaints and sorrows to Him. Take time to hear His voice again. Get filled up. Then step out of that place and take Him with you. Then do something radical. Instead of wanting to have your own needs met, look at your husband or family and think about how you can bless them. Notice THEIR needs and see what you can do to meet them. Meet your husband's needs and you will trigger off something quite miraculous. You will find that your need really is met. Do you want to know what the best part about all of this is? You will be a nice person to be around again! You will no longer get rejected. You will stand as a light for others to be drawn to. Come on, why not dump the "needy thing" and get on track with the "giving thing." It will turn your life around and make you a queen wherever you go.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

In the Wilderness

God has had me in a wilderness experience for about three and a half years. I know he is preparing me for something, but I don't know what that "something" is. So, I have been waiting patiently and sometimes impatiently for his appointment. For awhile, I thought I was supposed to return to education, but I have come to the conclusion God has other plans for my life. Whatever God's plans, I know they will be exciting and surprising. He is true to his word when he says his ways and thoughts are higher than ours. The things he does far outreaches the things I can imagine or try to figure out.

I have said "yes" to the plans God has for my life. I know that at this moment I am on the path God has laid before me and I thank him for the time of preparation.

In His Steps,

Friday, November 5, 2010

God is Mindful

God sent me a message last night. Bill and I had gone to eat and as we were leaving he said, "Let's go to the bookstore."

I didn't have a desire to go and said, "I have no desire to go to the bookstore, but if that's what you want to do, I'll stop."

He said, "I just have a feeling I need to go for some reason."

So, we stopped and I told him I'd just wait in the car. I turned on the radio and flipped to a Christian radio station. The announcer mentioned memorizing bible verses and how important it was. He gave his website address for free Bible studies. I jotted it down and then thought, "I'm going inside." Once inside, Bill and I looked at some books in the Christian section. I picked up a particular book, opened it and this was the first thing I read, "Scripture memory is another way to train our minds for future storms." I knew God was showing me it was time to start memorizing verses. It's been on my mind for awhile, but I'd been putting it off. Actually I memorized a few verses last year (about 2 or 4), and quit. My goal was to memorize one each week, but it didn't last long. So, I knew last night God was telling me to get back to it.

As we left, I said, "I think that stop was more for me than for you." I'm glad Bill listened to the unctioning of the Holy Spirit because sometimes I need a nudge to get started on things. I thank my Father above for being mindful of me last night!

Psalm 8:4 What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?

I truly felt that I'd received a visit from God last night. He sent a message through 2 people for me---the announcer on the radio station and through my husband, Bill. God truly was mindful of me last night as he is with all of his children.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Worth it all

Unfinished Business

This is what I wrote in my journal this morning:

Dear Father, when I awoke up this morning, I tried to remember a dream, but only bits and pieces came to me. Then, I began to think about some other things. I began to think about the day and all of the things I need to do at the farm. The words “unfinished business” came to me. The things that came to mind immediately--- our house at the farm, the estate, Bill taking care of a situation at work, etc. I believe you were telling me that the things you have placed on our hearts and the responsibilities you have given to us should be taken care of, so they no longer weigh on us.

God isn't talking about the day to day "fleshly and worldly" things that we may consider unfinished business, but rather the "jobs" that he has assigned us. Ask God to give you more revelation and show you what it is, you individually, need to take care of.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Relationship During End Times

I love prophecy and always have. As a child, I used to sit around the kitchen table with my family discussing the "End Times". Those "things" we used to talk about are being fulfilled right before my eyes. Sometimes my spirit becomes grieved because of what is happening in the world, but I know it must happen in order for the scriptures to be fulfilled. So how much time do we have left? Only God knows the answer to this. It seems to me that things are speeding up though. Time just seems to fly by.

I must impress upon you how important it is to seek God during these times and really develop a relationship with him. You may say you are saved and therefore you have a relationship with God. A relationship requires you to spend time with God, read the scriptures, talk to him throughout the day, pray, and praise him. My relationship with God is growing and I intend for it to continue to grow. I really want to know more about him and to be able to put my whole trust in him at all times and under all circumstances. I'm not "there" yet, but I know I will be one day!

In His Steps,

Saturday, May 22, 2010

No Room at the Inn....AGAIN??

I often wonder why God places certain people along our paths.......for instance, Jenny and Terry. They were two homeless people we met and prayed with while in Salt Lake City. We've also prayed for other homeless. I've always been intrigued when seeing a homeless person sleeping on a bench or laying on the ground trying to catch a night's sleep. I have always wanted to capture their "hurt" in pictures because the "hurt" is so evident in their eyes and face. But, I never wanted to infringe upon their dignity......what little they had left.

As God directs our path he has placed other homeless people directly in front of us. We have helped them as we felt God instructed. Lately it seems that more and more homeless are coming to us asking for help. These homeless people aren't the typical stereotype you think of, but they simply have no where else to turn.

I began thinking about all of the times they've heard: "There's no room at the inn." And then God showed me the times that Bill and I have also heard "no room at the inn". Several times while traveling, all of the rooms would be full, but God would always point us to another part of town or another hotel. You see, God was "placing" us where we needed to be so we could minister to people in those areas of town. We'd lug our bags with us by bus, train, or foot just as the homeless lug their belongings from one location to another. God was letting us experience what it's like to be without a place to stay.......temporarily. But, these people are without homes permanenty. How many times have these people heard "there's no room at the inn" only to find themselves sleeping under a bridge or in the elements?

So, have I always felt compassion toward the homeless? No. It is through God's love that he has opened my eyes and heart to their needs. He has shown me how badly they need to feel love and respect.

In His Steps,

Saturday, October 10, 2009

God Is Changing Me

I have been seeking the Lord this week--reading, praying, meditating, and talking to him. Sometimes I wonder how far behind I am. It would be so much easier if I knew I was making progress. But, even though I don't FEEL anything, I know he's working in me. How many times have I looked back on my progress and thought, "Wow, God has really changed me. I didn't even realize it."

God is so gentle that he's changing me without my even knowing it. For example, when something comes up in my everyday life that I react to in a different way than I normally would that's when a light bulb goes off in my mind and I know he's been working on me in that area. I used to be scared to death to open my mouth and express my thoughts. If someone asked me what I thought about something, my mind would go blank. But, now I freely offer my thoughts and opinions.

I am glad God is gentle. I am glad he's changing me. I prayed a simple prayer several years ago: Change me God and make me the person you created. He's doing a great job!

In His Steps,

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Heart Warming Story

I would like to share this story which my sister sent me about her place of work and employer:

We made this coffin at work for one of the employee's husband, who recently passed away. She didn't have the money for a coffin. She works on the floor just a few feet from me.

Vintage did the casket out of oak, at no charge. All of us that could attended the grave side funeral today in the drizzling rain . It was mostly a service with singing of songs he had chosen himself . He knew that he was going to die. There was no music, only voices.

He had requested a pine box, but our employer said oak. I attended, as she and her husband were both friends of mine. He died of liver and colon cancer. The casket was not lined nor did they have a viewing. His wife simply purchased a very nice blanket for her husband and wrapped him in it.

His name was Dan, he was a simple man. He was thankful for what God had given him and happy with it. I am sorry he is gone. God saw the need and made a way for Dan to be buried at a small cost, since money was an issue.

I now have a new respect for the folks at Vintage. They had the employees to drop what they were doing and work on the coffin. Some stayed late to get it done.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Road Trip

Left to right:  My sister, Sylvia/Myself (Judy)/My mom/My brother, Ron/My son, Jake.  

We just got back from Texas. It was a quick trip--there and back in 3 days. I got little sleep the night before, so Jake did all but one hour of driving--about 9 hours behind the wheel. It was good to visit with my mother and siblings, but I was a little under the weather with the sniffles and stuffiness. Yuck!!!

Mom is doing well. It amazes me how well she gets around at 81 years of age. Her hearing isn't quite as sharp as it once was and I know she misses a lot of the conversations, but she has a good attitude about it. While we were at her house, she gave me a beautiful set of Paula Deen red cookware for an early birthday present. I love 'em!

My sister and I joked about our weight and needing to "lose" the pounds. As we were sitting in the car, Sylvia crossed her arms and placed them above her stomach, "Now I have a good place to rest my arms." We laughed. "Yeah, I got one of those, too!" was what I was thinking. I don't remember if I actually said it, but I was thinking it.

On Sunday, we drove an additional hour and a half to my brother's house to buy a couple of Trek bicycles from him. Jake checked out the bikes and really liked them. He said they would "fit" him perfectly. I'm glad he liked them because that was the whole purpose for going to Texas --and, of course, to visit with family while we were there.

I always enjoy talking with Ron, because his dry sense of humor always makes me laugh. He's a lot of fun to be around. I love to hear his "stories" from our childhood because he always puts a new spin on it--usually to his advantage, but that's okay.

We left Ron's at 3:00 because everyone was hungry, so we stopped on the way home to grab a bite to eat. Sylvia and I were eyeing the desserts, but decided they were a little on the expensive side. Plus, after eating fried catfish, fried okra, and pinto beans we needed to watch our diet.

In His Steps,

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bread of Life.....feeding those who hunger

We were instructed to start a food outreach, so we stepped out in faith last month. It was not an advertised giveaway. My husband simply had those in need to sign up at his business location. We had 49 families to register.
I did some comparative shopping and then hit the stores. As I was going through one of the stores I prayed, “God, if we are on the right track please give us a sign.” When Bill and I got to the cash register, the manager asked if we’d like the three buggies of bread that the bread man had left. “Sure!” was our reply. I had to smile knowing God had given us the sign I requested. You see, the name of this program is “Bread of Life”. It wasn’t an accident that our first FREE donated food was bread! God was just letting us know, “You’re on the right track.”
We loaded up all of the groceries in the truck and put the bread in the trunk of the car—both car and truck were full. Bill and I discussed where to store the bread to keep it fresh before having the food outreach. A dear friend, Sondra, popped into my mind. I called and she had just cleaned out her freezer and had plenty of space. It was no coincidence that Sondra had cleaned out her freezer. God provided once again.
My husband and I were called out of town right before the outreach, but our good friends in Christ stepped up and took over all of the responsibilities. They boxed all of the food and gave it out on a Saturday morning. Not only did God provide the food, the free bread, and fresh veggies from the local Halfway Home--he also provided us with volunteers--Peggy and Barnett Payne, "Doc" and Sondra Barnes, Tommy Whitwell, Jake Hornaday, Ron Arnold, John Gambill, and Randy Frame, and others. And, to top it off 49 gallons of free milk showed up. Once again God provided.
Thanks to many helpful hands and volunteers the giveway was a success. A special thanks goes to Peggy and Sondra who did all of the sorting and boxing. The people received and all were blessed because of people willing to do God's work. Thank you, God.
In His Steps Learning God's Our Provider,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our Granddaughter

Addison-who is only 22 months old is now wearing glasses for "lazy eye". It's hard keeping them on her all the time, until she gets used to them. I think she looks adorable!

In His Steps-- Loving Being a Granna!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jenny-Temporarily Homeless

We met Jenny a couple of days ago. I wasn't sure I believed ALL of her story, but I felt for the most part she was being honest. She wanted to catch a bus back home which is in Boise, Idaho. Bill and I felt the Lord was telling us to give her $20.00 , so we did. We were also able to talk to her about forgiveness and how important it is. The last thing Bill spoke was, "You'll have enough money to buy your ticket by the end of the day."

I wasn't really sure if we'd been "scammed" or not and decided we'd done what we were instructed, so it was up to Jenny to use the money however she pleased.

Today, Bill and I felt like we were to go to Gateway Mall. Why, I had no idea. We'd been there a couple of days ago and I really wasn't in the shopping mood. Imagine that! It just so happens that instead of going inside the mall, I suggested we walk to the end of the road and up the street which is across from the homeless shelter. As we walked, I saw homeless children playing outside in a little playground area. We walked a little further. Bill said, "There's your girl." It was Jenny. I waved and she came across the street to meet us.

Jenny started talking, "I got enough money for the ticket! I leave tomorrow night at 12:01. After you left, a man stopped and I told him I had $20.00 and he gave me the rest of the money for the ticket. Thank you so much. You started it. Thank you. I appreciate it."

We ran into Jenny again before the day was out and were able to witness to her some more.
God sent Jenny today to show us that we had heard correctly about giving her the money, that what Bill spoke to her about the ticket money was correct, and that he had placed her in our path 3 times for a reason.

When we listen to what God tells us to do miraculous things happen. I liked Jenny from the first moment I saw her, and I will remember her in my prayers as she begins a new journey. God has a plan for Jenny's life. She asked God today to direct her path and to change her life. Jenny is in for a lot of surprises!! God bless you, Jenny.

In His Steps Helping Those in Need,


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

No Room at the Inn? Now what?

We have had to go to the front desk each morning to see if a room would be available for us for the next night's stay. This morning, the hotel clerk said, "Sorry, we are full." So, Bill and I went back to our room to pray and see what instructions we could receive from God. We both got the same instructions which was to go to "Little America" -a huge hotel complex.

When we arrived at "Little America," I went to the front desk to make reservations. "I'm sorry, we are full," said the clerk.

I told Bill what the clerk had said and we both stood there in a quandry. Didn't we hear God correctly? Did we both hear wrong? We went outside the hotel and sat down on a bench wondering what to do next.

After awhile I said, "Go ask them again, give them our phone number in case a room becomes available." He wasn't gone long and returned with a huge grin.

"You got us a room?"
"Yes!' still bearing a huge grin. "They had a cancellation and had 2 rooms available, one on the first floor and one on the second floor. I took the first floor."

"For how many nights?"

God is teaching us to listen, to step out in faith, to NOT lose faith, and to trust him. It's no accident that 2 rooms suddenly opened up. God knows exactly what he is doing!

In His Steps Growing in Faith,

God's Army

Yesterday as we were walking, Bill said, "We aren't walking alone. The heavenly host of God are going with us." I always know when the Holy Spirit is talking through Bill because his eyes tear up and his voice quivers. Such was the case when he spoke yesterday. It's good to know we have God's army doing battle for us. I shouldn't be surprised!!

In His Steps with God's Army,


Monday, July 20, 2009

Terry the Homeless Man

We are in Salt Lake City this week. Here is an encounter I felt was worthy of posting:

There are many in Salt Lake City who are homeless. Most people view them as a "nuisance to society", and I have to admit we walked by a lot of them who had signs begging for money before God spoke and said, "they just need to be loved." So, as we approached the next homeless person along our path, Bill and I were drawn to him. We struck up a conversation with this red-headed man named Terry who had the typical homeless features--weathered skin, overgrown hair and beard, wornout dirty shoes and dirty clothes, and a look of hopelessness and discouragement. I could see a lot of hurt in Terry's eyes as we talked with him. He'd suffered many 'hurts' in his lifetime. Whether it's all true or not doesn't matter. The fact that God led us to Terry, so we could minister to him is more important than anything.

So, here's part of Terry's story. Terry was a member of the Latter Day Saints Church (Mormons) for 2 years but was raised as a Southern Baptist. When asked if he was saved he said, "Yes, in the Baptist church and I was also baptised. I used to do cocaine and drink alcohol, but I don't do that anymore. I quit when I went to prison for 7 and 1/2 years. When I was going to the LDS church my wife ran up some bills and I went to them for help. They wouldn't help me, so I broke in and stole $46,000.00 which landed me in prison."

"What did you do with the money?"
"I gave it all away to the people on the streets."

Terry showed us his right foot through the holes of his shoe. He said in 2007 he lost his toes due to frostbite. "Most people think I'm an alcoholic and I'm drunk all of the time because of the way I walk, but I don't drink anymore. I get blisters on my feet from walking. That's why I have this (pulls out tissues) to keep from getting them."

My heart ached for Terry, so I asked if we could pray for him. In a very gentle voice Terry said, "If you'd like to say a prayer over me that would be fine."

"Do you believe God heals?" I asked.
"I believe God can do anything he wants to."
"What do you want from God? Do you have something in particular?" Bill asked.
"Whatever God wants is what I want."
"But, what do you want?'' Bill asked.
"The Bible says a man shouldn't be lukewarm, so I don't want to be lukewarm."

We prayed over Terry, and he received an answer to his prayers today.

Later today I began thinking about Terry and wondered how God would use him. Maybe he will minister to the homeless men and women and bring them to Christ. I KNOW he is going to have a positive effect on people and is going to have a wonderful testimony to share about how God changed his life and gave him purpose to live.

We all have a story to tell and I loved hearing Terry tell us about his. I learned something today. Just because a person is homeless doesn't make them any less a person than the rest of us. They are deserving of "hello" and "How are you?" just as much as the other people which we pass on the street. Thank you God for opening my eyes today.

"God bless you, Terry."
"God bless you!"

In His Steps in Salt Lake City,

Monday, July 13, 2009

Leonardo Express

This was the last picture I took of our Rome trip. This is the Leonardo Express which we took to the airport. I love traveling, seeing the sites, taking in the old and the new, learning about the history, the people, traveling by train, subway, and bus. To me, it's all exciting. I believe God put the desire in my heart to travel because he plans to use me in various places--both in the U.S. and abroad.

In His Steps,

Sunday, June 28, 2009

4 Generations

Left to right: Lindsay, Mom, and Judy holding Addison

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Update on the Yard

Our yard is coming along quite well--the largest unkempt area has been weeded, planted, and mulched. Ah, yes, it is quite satisfying to look at it knowing that the "big job" is behind us and we can enjoy it for the remainder of the summer.

My sisters and mom are coming to visit the latter part of June, so I want the yard to look nice. It's amazing how someone's visit can motivate me to work on a number of projects. My husband and I even discussed putting down a patio, but time is running out, it's getting hotter, so I believe that "big job" will be postponed until a later date.

I hope we will be able to minister to my sister while she is here, as well as my mother. God just reminded me that ministry comes in various forms and many times it is simply extending a loving attitude, being accepting, and not being forceful. It is saying "I love you",& showing gratitude for the little things. I think he is showing me that in my mind I "see" ministry as praying with someone and that is only one aspect of it.

So, I will minister to them with love and let God do the rest.

In His Steps-learning to accept God's way

Friday, May 29, 2009

Lunch with the Ladies

Yesterday I got to enjoy lunch with 2 of my favorite ladies--Sondra and Peggy!! It was a wonderful time of fellowship, bonding, and getting to know one another. We sat on the screened in porch and enjoyed our food and conversation--listened to the birds chirp and watched them feed. There was the hum of a mower in the background which didn't hamper us whatsoever. We discussed life, we discussed how God was changing us, and how he'd brought the 3 of us together. But I know there were actually 4 of us together because God was in our midst.

In His Steps--Bonding with Others

Rome, Italy

This is a picture of the ruins of the Roman Empire. We were blessed to visit during February/March during off season. If you ever get a chance to visit Rome, it is beautiful!

In His Steps--Traveling Where He Sends Us

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Making Godly Friends

I am not a lover of yard work! I don't like getting dirt under my nails, or getting hot and sweaty, having sore muscles for days, etc. But, I do love the results -- the beauty that comes forth especially as the summer progresses and the plants bloom, the plants growing and filling out, the scent of the flowers, and the satisfaction of knowing "my hard work paid off".

So, as I looked at my unkempt yard and the overwhelming amount of work needing to be done--weeding, digging up grass, planting, transplanting, etc. I knew I had to have some help. I asked God to send someone to help me which I "thought" would be someone my husband ran across at his place of business.

But one Sunday, Peggy-- who comes to our Home Church-- offered to help me. In my mind, I knew I couldn't ask her to help nor let her--that was OUT of the question. But, as I lay in bed that night thinking about her offer I heard God say, "You asked me to send someone." WOW!!! "But, Lord, I thought you'd send someone else--a man who is used to working in the hot sun." He didn't respond, but I knew for some reason God wanted Peggy and me working together.

Peggy and I set a date, I got my husband to take off from work, (he would be the "digger" or "excavation expert" whichever term best suits) and I was ready--so I thought. I'd been nauseated the day before and when I woke up I was still nauseated. The thought occurred to me that perhaps I should reschedule, but I decided against that. God would be my strength. Bill had to leave for a while to check on some things at his business, so Peggy and I started on the yard. She became the "excavation expert" and I raked. The sun was hot which didn't help my nausea. Lots of "little breaks" were necessary, but Peggy was kind enough to stop, too. Bill finally came back. We left him digging while we went to get some more materials, and pick up a bite to eat. We finished up mulching an area and decided to stop for the day. Our day had begun at 8 and it was 2 when we stopped.

So, why did God send Peggy and not someone else? It was a time to develop friendships, to learn about one another. I feel very blessed that God thinks enough of me to send someone as kind as Peggy into my life. We have a lot in common and I know our friendship will grow even more. I'm extremely happy that God knows how to choose Godly friends for me. And, I'm sure he will send more and more lovely people into my life.

In His Steps -- Making Godly Friends,

Friday, May 15, 2009

Walking Along God's Path

So, here I sit on a Friday morning at my computer. I've been enjoying my morning, talking to God, working in the yard, contemplating my future here on this earth. I have struggled the past 2 weeks and have really been fighting God about something----returning to a full time teaching position. So, you may wonder why the big deal?

I will be coming out of retirement and going back into the workforce FULL TIME. I have worked part-time this past year which I know God planned. Now, it has turned into a full time position. I'm excited in that I know I will be doing whatever God has planned for me, but at the same time it doesn't "fit" into what I imagined. That's not unusual at all, because if there's one thing I have learned about God it is this: He never does things the way I think he will. He's always full of surprises and he loves surprising me. His ways are a lot better than my own. But, I still have questions and I know he will answer them in HIS time--not mine.

Here are a few of the questions:

Didn't God tell me I could retire?
Yes, he was kind enough to give me "time off" to prepare me for "going back". ;-) God DOES have a sense of humor. He even opened a door this year which allowed me to go back on a part-time basis to get my feet "wet" and prepare me for the next step. I am very grateful for the doors that God opens and closes. I am very grateful that he knows what is best for me, he knows what I need in spirit, mind, and body. He is such a good and loving God.

Didn't God say I have greater things for you to do?
Sometimes my mind gets wrapped around what I want and not what God wants. To me, greater things (in my mind) are ministering to people in Africa, claiming territory for the Kingdom of God, being sent to another country to do God's work,etc. But to God, ministry takes places in so many places--in the home, the workplace, the marketplace----everywhere we WILL ALLOW IT! So, I feel that I am being "sent out" to minister to the children, teachers, support staff, and administrators through acts of kindness, love, encouragement, and individual ministry.

Didn't God say he is my provider?
God has taken care of us the past 2 years by helping us with our finances, but the first year I retired was hard. (In case you don't know, teacher retirement in Tennessee is the "pits") My husband's business had been run into by an Averitt Express truck. We decided not to sue, and they never settled with us, so we had to "eat" the costs or reestablishing a business, hiring extra employees, etc. But despite these difficulties, God always met our needs. There were times when the money was very "close". We learned to trust in God.

I told God I needed a part time job that would pay well and be enjoyable. The door was opened for a part time Title I Math position where I worked for 30 years. Then I would question God? Are you sure this is what I am supposed to do? Looking back, I know God probably wanted to whack me over the head and say, "Look, you asked for a job, here it is, it pays well, so open your eyes and take the job!" Which, of course, I did and am very glad!!! It was a very rewarding job and will turn into a full-time position next year.

What I have learned about God being Provider: He provides jobs and opportunities for us to earn our way in life. Isn't that part of him preparing us to be good citizens and to interact with others? He doesn't just give us everything, we have to work for it. I can remember as a child having the same dream over and over. I would be digging in the dirt and find coins--lots of coins. I've never gone out and found money in the dirt, never found a treasure chest full of money or jewels, never been left a huge estate, or been rich. And, at this point in my life, that isn't one of my desires. All I want is to be comfortable and sow into God's kingdom. To me that is the greatest wealth and riches I could ever desire.

So, I accept the path God has laid before me---to walk where he wants me to go, doing his work, doing his will, and doing it with excitement and joy and always embracing what is placed before me!

In HIS Steps

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hurts and Offenses

When we were in Texas in October, I was able to ask Mom a lot of questions about her childhood and jot down things I learned. It was uncomfortable to her because she still has a lot of "hurts" from the past. The one thing I learned that really broke my heart was when I asked Mom how she felt when she learned they were going to take her to the orphanage.

Her reply: "They never really told us we were going. I just remember waking up one morning and I was there. They must have drugged us or something."

I asked her if she ever got to see her parents again and she said, "No".

My heart ached for her as I put myself in her shoes. Can you imagine how much this must have confused and hurt her at the age of 6? Not knowing why? Not seeing her mother again? It is beyond my own imagination. Children deserve an explanation and Mom never received that. So, as a result, she has never been able to add closure to this event in her life.

So, Mom continues to hurt deep inside, she has repressed a lot and that's why the questions made her so uncomfortable. Sometimes it is easier (so we think) to NOT think about things. It is easier to deal with if we don't have to think about it. However, what I have learned lately and what God is revealing to me is that we MUST deal with the past, we MUST deal with the hurts if we are to become what he has called us to be, if we are to become WHOLE.

I'm working on dealing with all of the offenses which I have sealed in my heart over the years. I asked God to show me my heart and he's doing a GREAT JOB!! haha Things have come to mind that I hadn't thought of in years, things I never realized were buried so deeply. He is bringing them to the surface so we can deal with them TOGETHER.

I am proud to be a child of the living King, a God who loves and cares so deeply.

In His Steps,

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Trip

February 4, 2009

It's been a while since I've written. We have been on the trip which wasn't what we expected at all. In our minds, we expected to travel out of the country, but instead wound up going to Tulsa, OK for a camp meeting at Dave Roberson's church. It was an awesome time, we received so much, and it was an amazing trip! But, I know now that I made more of the dogwood trees and a "trip" than I should have. It wasn't about a "trip" that was important. What I learned was that it is more important to do God's will, in God's time, yielding completely, and being in preparation for whatever he has planned for my life. Since we've returned, I have learned to put more trust in God.

We also got to travel to Wills Point, TX to see my family. My mom is getting older, my sister is getting "softer", and my brother is still resisting. I thought perhaps I would get to witness to him about the love of Christ, but he isn't quite ready, but I know he will be in God's timing. We spent several days visiting with family and working jigsaw puzzles. It was "quality" time with one another--no televison--just time sitting and enjoying each other's company and getting to know one another better.

Friday, August 15, 2008

God Drops Songs Into My Spirit

God has been dropping a lot of songs into my spirit lately--it's his way of speaking to me, wooing me, teaching me, etc. God uses both Christian and secular songs to talk to me. Yesterday, I was driving down the highway, and I started humming a song (that's how it generally works with me, I get the tune first). Many times, I won't even know all of the words, but I'll know enough of it to get the jest of what he's saying, then when I find time I will go to the computer and look up the lyrics. Yesterday, I started humming "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker. When I looked up the whole song and listened to it on You Tube I was just blown away by the love and the beautiful lyrics God was sharing with me. God is truly an amazing God, one who is continually surprising me and helping me grow.

If you have been reading these posts, there are only 7-8 petals left on the tree. It is mid-August and we STILL have blooms!!! We know for sure this is a Japanese dogwood which blooms throughout the end of July.

Waiting Patiently,

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Straggling Blooms

It's been a while since I posted. There are only a few straggling blooms on the tree. The Lord spoke to me this morning and told me we would be leaving soon, very soon. He knows how I am when I hear the word "soon". To me, soon means soon. But, to God soon can be anytime within the next few hours, days, months, etc. I'm just learning to wait upon his timing and to put my trust and faith in him. He is encouraging me to always believe and never doubt. I'm great at second guessing and am always asking myself, "Did God really say that or was that just me?" I'm sure you can relate. Anyway, there aren't a lot of words or thoughts to share this morning, so I will sign off. May your day be filled with God's love and guidance.

In His Steps,

Thursday, June 19, 2008

God's Provision Is Much More

First off, the tree still has blooms on it. Some have suggested perhaps this is a variety of dogwood that flowers longer than others. Even so, God is still using it as a timing device. When the blooms are gone, we know we are going somewhere to do God's work. We are "sent ones" and that's our calling. It's what we do! Our son, Jake, is at field camp in Montana for six weeks. I'm sure he will be witnessing to others. I know he will have a wonderful time !

It's been a busy week. My husband's business was broken into for the second time. This time they took a lot more merchandise. Two employees have quit over the past few weeks so he is short on help. He has been spending the night at his shop until he can get cameras installed. He's been working day and night, getting very little sleep. Discouragement tried to set in, but we didn't allow it!! We know God's hand is in everything, we know he protects us, cares for us, and provides for our every need. The one thing I am learning is provision isn't JUST money or things. It's so much more. God provides in so many ways. Yes, he provides us with the food we eat and our shelter. But, he provides us with his love, he gives us wisdom and understanding, the words to speak to others, encouragement, courage to stand up against the devil, hope, and an unfailing ability to somehow, someway get us through whatever we happen to be struggling with or going through at the time. My faith is increasing as we go from one battle to another. He has taught us--this ministry--to be warriors, to do spiritual battle. We know there will be many more trials and tribulations. It is our job during these times to stand strong, not to whine or wonder why, but to accept them, get through them, and be stronger in Christ.

God provided us with a new employee last night. Our next door neighbor and friend of 20 years accepted a job at our place of business. He has been in prayer asking God what he should do. God put it on his heart to accept the job! God bless obedient people who not only listen but follow through. We knew God would have to provide another employee before we could be sent out. And that he did! He provided us with a trust worthy employee, a Godly man, one who will minister alongside my husband to those who come in, one who will require very little training as far as the business end is concerned, and one who will encourage and uplift my husband, Bill.

Have a blessed day for we are encouraged in what we see God doing right before our eyes!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Grandbabies-A Blessing from God

I retired from teaching last May and have spent my "retirement" this year babysitting my beautiful granddaughter, Addison. She is truly a blessing from God. The smile on her face makes me smile and lifts my spirit. It has been a joy being able to bond with her, play with her, feed her, watch her grow and develop.

God Uses Everyone

There is an elderly couple who live across the street from us.  The lady has Alzheimer's and her husband is in poor health.  I see her out frequently walking up and down the street, and have even see her in our backyard occasionally.  She is lonely and looking for someone to visit.   Sometimes, she will ring our doorbell--not one short ring, but 5 or 10 consecutive rings.  I've invited her inside several times and have heard the same story about where she used to live, where her husband worked, etc.  But, as a Christian, it is my responsibility to be kind to Sue (not her real name) and reach out to her.  Everytime she has visited she leaves by saying, "Come see me sometime."  So, today when I went to check the mail, there sat Sue and her husband on the front porch waiting for the mail to be delivered--probably the highlight of their day.  I walked across the street and visited with them for a little while, she offered me a drink, we chatted, and then I walked back across the street to our house.  I felt good because I knew I'd been obedient to God.  And, I knew both of them needed something different in their lives today.  Even if it was a "small thing"  it didn't go unnoticed by God.  We often take for granted the small things, but it's the small things which are so important to others and to God.  One of the things God has told me is small things lead to big things.  

I was almost finished with this entry when the doorbell rang several times.  Sue was at the front door.  I mostly listened while she shared most of the same stories again and asked me the same questions more than once.  God is teaching me patience and showing me how to love everyone.  He's a good God and I thank him for changing me.  The thought came to me as I was rereading this entry that Sue had reached out to me, too.  She probably didn't realize it, but God had placed her at my front door to teach me patience and love.  Thank you God for using everyone!

Oh, and BTW we still have dogwood blooms!

God Bless Each of You,

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

God Is A Busy Man

 We had a wonderful weekend!  God always works things out in such surprising and awesome ways.  After church, we attended a get-together with those who went to Honduras in March, and then we went to see the location where some friends are building a house.  They've built a barn with an apartment in it, so we gathered inside with them--8 of us in all.  We enjoyed visiting and then felt we should pray, so we joined hands and dedicated their new location to the Lord.  The presence of God could be felt, we sang some songs, and then they prayed over our ministry.  We received the following from God about In His Steps Ministry and the next trip:   God has everything planned, provision will be behind every door, we must seek him, and we will find a strength on this trip like never experienced before.  Did we get a word as to where we will travel?  No.  When?  No.  We are waiting for the perfect time to leave knowing that God will reveal it to us when we are ready and everything is in place.  

And the dogwood tree?  Well, there are still quite a few blooms on it.  We had one more event happen this week that we knew we needed to be here for.  My husband's place of business was broken into last night.  Someone threw a brick through the door and took some merchandise.  Are we discouraged?  No.  Have we lost hope?  No.  If anything, it has brought us closer to God. We have been in a spiritual battle and know this is just one repercussion or retaliation for our obedience to God.  Knowing we are doing what God intended and are making headway gives us added determination, added faith in God, and a KNOWING that he will take care of all of our battles.  

Keep us in your prayers,

Friday, May 30, 2008

God's Perfect Timing

It's been two weeks since God spoke to me about the dogwood tree blooms.  The blooms have brown spots on them and are very limp, but many are hanging on for their dear life.  I really thought we would be gone by now, but not so--not God's perfect timing yet.   We've had some developments, some things to happen, that we knew God wanted us to be a part of.    But now that these important issues are behind us and God was triumphant, we feel as if the blooms will be gone soon.  We contacted the preacher in India to tell him we didn't feel led to visit at this time. God did tell me on Thursday our trip would be "Perfecto" which I felt was his way of giving us a glimpse, a tiny hint about where we are going.  Perfecto is Spanish for perfect, so we are almost positive we are going to a Spanish speaking country.  But, you know what I've learned about God when it comes to him arranging our trips?  He's never predictable and always full of surprises because his thoughts and ways are so much greater and higher than our own.  He is always doing things in ways I could never possibly imagine.  We're always trying to figure out how we will hear where we are going.  Will God speak through someone?  Will it come in a dream?  A vision?  By phone?  E-mail?  Through a friend?  Etc.  But, one thing we are always sure of--our God has everything already set up, everyone already lined up.  All we have to do is sit back and wait. He's an awesome God.  And I'm proud to call him Father, Friend, and Provider.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Waiting Patiently

We have been watching the dogwood tree as the tree has been losing blooms slowly-very slowly. This is our first spring in this house, so we don't know a lot about the variety of dogwood, or how long it has bloomed in the past. Yesterday we were contacted from a preacher in India to come and visit the hill country and minister to those who live in remote areas. So, we are in prayer as we wait upon the Lord to direct us. We don't know if we are to go or when. This could be our next trip, a trip in the future, or not a trip at all. God is in control. We only go where he sends us and has prepared the way.

Blessings to all,

Sunday, May 18, 2008

God Uses Our Dogwood as a Timing Device

We are waiting to receive word "where" we are to travel next. Our bags are packed, and the Lord has told us it will be soon. Soon to me and soon to God isn't always the same, but I know he is teaching me patience.

Friday morning when I was praising the Lord I looked at the dogwood tree in our backyard which is still in bloom (a rarity considering no other dogwoods are blooming) in Tennessee, and I heard him say, "When the blooms have fallen then you will leave." Well, I have been watching the tree closely for the past 2 days and I can't tell any of the blooms have fallen. It just amazes me how God is using this tree as a timing device. My husband and I had discussed this tree several times before God spoke--we knew it was special and now we know why.

We are excited about this trip because we know great things are going to happen.