Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jenny-Temporarily Homeless

We met Jenny a couple of days ago. I wasn't sure I believed ALL of her story, but I felt for the most part she was being honest. She wanted to catch a bus back home which is in Boise, Idaho. Bill and I felt the Lord was telling us to give her $20.00 , so we did. We were also able to talk to her about forgiveness and how important it is. The last thing Bill spoke was, "You'll have enough money to buy your ticket by the end of the day."

I wasn't really sure if we'd been "scammed" or not and decided we'd done what we were instructed, so it was up to Jenny to use the money however she pleased.

Today, Bill and I felt like we were to go to Gateway Mall. Why, I had no idea. We'd been there a couple of days ago and I really wasn't in the shopping mood. Imagine that! It just so happens that instead of going inside the mall, I suggested we walk to the end of the road and up the street which is across from the homeless shelter. As we walked, I saw homeless children playing outside in a little playground area. We walked a little further. Bill said, "There's your girl." It was Jenny. I waved and she came across the street to meet us.

Jenny started talking, "I got enough money for the ticket! I leave tomorrow night at 12:01. After you left, a man stopped and I told him I had $20.00 and he gave me the rest of the money for the ticket. Thank you so much. You started it. Thank you. I appreciate it."

We ran into Jenny again before the day was out and were able to witness to her some more.
God sent Jenny today to show us that we had heard correctly about giving her the money, that what Bill spoke to her about the ticket money was correct, and that he had placed her in our path 3 times for a reason.

When we listen to what God tells us to do miraculous things happen. I liked Jenny from the first moment I saw her, and I will remember her in my prayers as she begins a new journey. God has a plan for Jenny's life. She asked God today to direct her path and to change her life. Jenny is in for a lot of surprises!! God bless you, Jenny.

In His Steps Helping Those in Need,


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