Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bread of Life.....feeding those who hunger

We were instructed to start a food outreach, so we stepped out in faith last month. It was not an advertised giveaway. My husband simply had those in need to sign up at his business location. We had 49 families to register.
I did some comparative shopping and then hit the stores. As I was going through one of the stores I prayed, “God, if we are on the right track please give us a sign.” When Bill and I got to the cash register, the manager asked if we’d like the three buggies of bread that the bread man had left. “Sure!” was our reply. I had to smile knowing God had given us the sign I requested. You see, the name of this program is “Bread of Life”. It wasn’t an accident that our first FREE donated food was bread! God was just letting us know, “You’re on the right track.”
We loaded up all of the groceries in the truck and put the bread in the trunk of the car—both car and truck were full. Bill and I discussed where to store the bread to keep it fresh before having the food outreach. A dear friend, Sondra, popped into my mind. I called and she had just cleaned out her freezer and had plenty of space. It was no coincidence that Sondra had cleaned out her freezer. God provided once again.
My husband and I were called out of town right before the outreach, but our good friends in Christ stepped up and took over all of the responsibilities. They boxed all of the food and gave it out on a Saturday morning. Not only did God provide the food, the free bread, and fresh veggies from the local Halfway Home--he also provided us with volunteers--Peggy and Barnett Payne, "Doc" and Sondra Barnes, Tommy Whitwell, Jake Hornaday, Ron Arnold, John Gambill, and Randy Frame, and others. And, to top it off 49 gallons of free milk showed up. Once again God provided.
Thanks to many helpful hands and volunteers the giveway was a success. A special thanks goes to Peggy and Sondra who did all of the sorting and boxing. The people received and all were blessed because of people willing to do God's work. Thank you, God.
In His Steps Learning God's Our Provider,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our Granddaughter

Addison-who is only 22 months old is now wearing glasses for "lazy eye". It's hard keeping them on her all the time, until she gets used to them. I think she looks adorable!

In His Steps-- Loving Being a Granna!