Saturday, October 10, 2009

God Is Changing Me

I have been seeking the Lord this week--reading, praying, meditating, and talking to him. Sometimes I wonder how far behind I am. It would be so much easier if I knew I was making progress. But, even though I don't FEEL anything, I know he's working in me. How many times have I looked back on my progress and thought, "Wow, God has really changed me. I didn't even realize it."

God is so gentle that he's changing me without my even knowing it. For example, when something comes up in my everyday life that I react to in a different way than I normally would that's when a light bulb goes off in my mind and I know he's been working on me in that area. I used to be scared to death to open my mouth and express my thoughts. If someone asked me what I thought about something, my mind would go blank. But, now I freely offer my thoughts and opinions.

I am glad God is gentle. I am glad he's changing me. I prayed a simple prayer several years ago: Change me God and make me the person you created. He's doing a great job!

In His Steps,