Saturday, May 22, 2010

No Room at the Inn....AGAIN??

I often wonder why God places certain people along our paths.......for instance, Jenny and Terry. They were two homeless people we met and prayed with while in Salt Lake City. We've also prayed for other homeless. I've always been intrigued when seeing a homeless person sleeping on a bench or laying on the ground trying to catch a night's sleep. I have always wanted to capture their "hurt" in pictures because the "hurt" is so evident in their eyes and face. But, I never wanted to infringe upon their dignity......what little they had left.

As God directs our path he has placed other homeless people directly in front of us. We have helped them as we felt God instructed. Lately it seems that more and more homeless are coming to us asking for help. These homeless people aren't the typical stereotype you think of, but they simply have no where else to turn.

I began thinking about all of the times they've heard: "There's no room at the inn." And then God showed me the times that Bill and I have also heard "no room at the inn". Several times while traveling, all of the rooms would be full, but God would always point us to another part of town or another hotel. You see, God was "placing" us where we needed to be so we could minister to people in those areas of town. We'd lug our bags with us by bus, train, or foot just as the homeless lug their belongings from one location to another. God was letting us experience what it's like to be without a place to stay.......temporarily. But, these people are without homes permanenty. How many times have these people heard "there's no room at the inn" only to find themselves sleeping under a bridge or in the elements?

So, have I always felt compassion toward the homeless? No. It is through God's love that he has opened my eyes and heart to their needs. He has shown me how badly they need to feel love and respect.

In His Steps,

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