Friday, August 15, 2008

God Drops Songs Into My Spirit

God has been dropping a lot of songs into my spirit lately--it's his way of speaking to me, wooing me, teaching me, etc. God uses both Christian and secular songs to talk to me. Yesterday, I was driving down the highway, and I started humming a song (that's how it generally works with me, I get the tune first). Many times, I won't even know all of the words, but I'll know enough of it to get the jest of what he's saying, then when I find time I will go to the computer and look up the lyrics. Yesterday, I started humming "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker. When I looked up the whole song and listened to it on You Tube I was just blown away by the love and the beautiful lyrics God was sharing with me. God is truly an amazing God, one who is continually surprising me and helping me grow.

If you have been reading these posts, there are only 7-8 petals left on the tree. It is mid-August and we STILL have blooms!!! We know for sure this is a Japanese dogwood which blooms throughout the end of July.

Waiting Patiently,