Thursday, September 17, 2009

Heart Warming Story

I would like to share this story which my sister sent me about her place of work and employer:

We made this coffin at work for one of the employee's husband, who recently passed away. She didn't have the money for a coffin. She works on the floor just a few feet from me.

Vintage did the casket out of oak, at no charge. All of us that could attended the grave side funeral today in the drizzling rain . It was mostly a service with singing of songs he had chosen himself . He knew that he was going to die. There was no music, only voices.

He had requested a pine box, but our employer said oak. I attended, as she and her husband were both friends of mine. He died of liver and colon cancer. The casket was not lined nor did they have a viewing. His wife simply purchased a very nice blanket for her husband and wrapped him in it.

His name was Dan, he was a simple man. He was thankful for what God had given him and happy with it. I am sorry he is gone. God saw the need and made a way for Dan to be buried at a small cost, since money was an issue.

I now have a new respect for the folks at Vintage. They had the employees to drop what they were doing and work on the coffin. Some stayed late to get it done.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Road Trip

Left to right:  My sister, Sylvia/Myself (Judy)/My mom/My brother, Ron/My son, Jake.  

We just got back from Texas. It was a quick trip--there and back in 3 days. I got little sleep the night before, so Jake did all but one hour of driving--about 9 hours behind the wheel. It was good to visit with my mother and siblings, but I was a little under the weather with the sniffles and stuffiness. Yuck!!!

Mom is doing well. It amazes me how well she gets around at 81 years of age. Her hearing isn't quite as sharp as it once was and I know she misses a lot of the conversations, but she has a good attitude about it. While we were at her house, she gave me a beautiful set of Paula Deen red cookware for an early birthday present. I love 'em!

My sister and I joked about our weight and needing to "lose" the pounds. As we were sitting in the car, Sylvia crossed her arms and placed them above her stomach, "Now I have a good place to rest my arms." We laughed. "Yeah, I got one of those, too!" was what I was thinking. I don't remember if I actually said it, but I was thinking it.

On Sunday, we drove an additional hour and a half to my brother's house to buy a couple of Trek bicycles from him. Jake checked out the bikes and really liked them. He said they would "fit" him perfectly. I'm glad he liked them because that was the whole purpose for going to Texas --and, of course, to visit with family while we were there.

I always enjoy talking with Ron, because his dry sense of humor always makes me laugh. He's a lot of fun to be around. I love to hear his "stories" from our childhood because he always puts a new spin on it--usually to his advantage, but that's okay.

We left Ron's at 3:00 because everyone was hungry, so we stopped on the way home to grab a bite to eat. Sylvia and I were eyeing the desserts, but decided they were a little on the expensive side. Plus, after eating fried catfish, fried okra, and pinto beans we needed to watch our diet.

In His Steps,