Saturday, March 24, 2012

What God Does in the Natural........

Bill and I went to eat at Henry Horton State Park last night.  They had seafood night which was very good.  We will definitely go back.  We've gotten to the point that both of us can hardly stand to be in this house night after night.  God is transitioning us into something. He is saying, "Hey, I have something new for you (doesn't necessarily mean a new home), something more exciting, something different, not the same-o same-o.  This is the first time that we have both wanted to get out of the house so much, just go, go for a drive, wherever it takes us.  Maybe this is the venturesome side of us coming out that God is bringing forth.  What God is showing me is the things he's doing in the natural, he  is also doing in the spirit realm.  So, look at how you are feeling, the things you are going through and see what God will show you. It's pretty neat!