Thursday, July 17, 2008

Straggling Blooms

It's been a while since I posted. There are only a few straggling blooms on the tree. The Lord spoke to me this morning and told me we would be leaving soon, very soon. He knows how I am when I hear the word "soon". To me, soon means soon. But, to God soon can be anytime within the next few hours, days, months, etc. I'm just learning to wait upon his timing and to put my trust and faith in him. He is encouraging me to always believe and never doubt. I'm great at second guessing and am always asking myself, "Did God really say that or was that just me?" I'm sure you can relate. Anyway, there aren't a lot of words or thoughts to share this morning, so I will sign off. May your day be filled with God's love and guidance.

In His Steps,